Potentates Message

Illustrious Sir Doug Dockrill

It is both a very humbling experience and a great honour to be elected to serve as your Potentate for 2025. It is a responsibility that I plan to meet head on with the support of our Nobles and Shrine families.

2025 marks the 50th anniversary of the Tunis Shriners in Ottawa and the 100th anniversary of our hospital in Montreal. Tunis Shriners have served the hospital for 50 years, where we have had an impact on so many young lives. You may not see up front what you are doing, but rest assured we are making a difference.

We have planned for some great events to celebrate our 50th anniversary and once again the visitation weekend will coincide with the Legion of Honour ceremony at the National War Memorial. This is a special year as it marks the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. That weekend we will have a visit from, Grayson, one of our International Patient Ambassadors, who will be laying a wreath at the National War Memorial.

As for the Hospital, 100 years of serving the special needs of children is quite an accomplishment. From its start on Cedar Avenue in Montreal to this day at the New Hospital complex at the old Glen Rail Yards. If you have never visited, make this your year to do so. We are hoping to have two bus tours this year. One in the spring and another one in the fall. The tours are open to everyone and Masons are encouraged to attend.

There is no need to remind you that we are “The Playground of Masonry”. Our motto is “Having fun helping Kids”. If you’re not having fun, then you won’t come out, stay engaged and remain a part of the greatest “Fraternity and Philanthropy in the World”. Every Noble is an important part of our Temple, so I encourage all sponsors to come out to a club or unit meeting with their sponsored Noble. Nobles go out and try every unit and club to see where you will find the most fun and fellowship. Ask any unit if you can participate in the parades.

This year, I am concentrating on engaging our newer and younger Nobles, so please bring your friends and brethren from lodge out to parades and events. The future is yours. help shape the future. As we are always looking for new ideas for the units and clubs, your ideas, energy and enthusiasm are exactly what we need. Remember that there is no such thing as a bad idea. So bring your ideas to the Divan’s attention.

As membership is one of the most important parts of our Temple, if you are enjoying being a Shriner, discuss it more with your brethren in Lodge and your non-Masonic friends. This is where our members come from. Offer to become a Tunis Ambassador at your lodge.

Ask the Master if you can do a short presentation about the Shrine and our philanthropy. There are great resources available for you to do a five to ten minute talk about the Shrine and the hospitals. It’s your Shrine Temple and Shriners Hospital system, so get involved and active. As they say in Lodge “You only get out of it what you put into it”.

This year I have chosen “50 Years of Family, Fun, and Fellowship” as my theme. I would especially like to emphasize the “Family” and “Fun” as it is the key to our fellowship.


To celebrate fifty fabulous years, First Lady Rosemary and I have a number of fun events scheduled throughout the year. Our plans are to have as many family friendly events as we can add to an otherwise busy schedule. As parents and grandparents ourselves, we would like your children and grandchildren to feel as welcome as ours at our events.

My goal is to have fun, increase our membership and to encourage our younger members to get involved. If you feel that we can be doing something better inform us. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but together we will work as brethren to prosper for the next fifty years and beyond.



Doug Dockrill

Potentate 2025